People Communicate Using Words and Phrases. Utilizing Cutting-Edge Research, We Help You Find the Best Ones.
Can YOU Really Afford to Say the Wrong Thing?
KEEVOON Research, Strategy, & Communications is a full service Survey Research and Strategic Communications firm specializing in finding the right language and message to successfully communicate a particular product, person, issue or idea. We provide professional services to leading companies, organizations, governments, and elected officials. We specialize in public opinion research projects internationally.
Most importantly, we help our clients figure out what to say, how to say it, where to say it, and to whom.
Language is the most important factor in marketing, advertising, or political campaigns. People communicate using words. Our goal is to find the right combination of words that influence their decision making.
Using proprietary, cutting-edge survey research methods and technology, we determine the most effective words, phrases and images to successfully communicate.
We are a global and multi-lingual organization and have done work for clients in the United States, European Union, Russia, and Israel. From 2012 until today we have fielded more about 8,000,000 survey research questions in 160 different countries, all on mobile devices. We have access to over 2 Billion people globally.